Sales consulting

As consultants, we offer our clients a holistic sales and consultancy concept, providing them with competent support as they seek to meet growing market demands via customer focus. Competitive pressure, innovations, growth, digitalisation, skills shortages – sales and service are being pushed to breaking point. Customer needs are lost sight of, complaints increase, costs rise, and processes are thrown suddenly out of kilter.

We are the right partner for you if these conditions are present in your company! Our service range comprises an as-is state analysis, collaborative strategy development aligned to client needs and individual, concrete implementation management. Among other things, effective change processes are characterised by a structured action plan featuring deadlines and responsibilities, efficient internal communication and the involvement of staff, performance orientation and results monitoring.

Sustainable success requires continual management, the latest market knowledge and a strong customer focus with an understanding of specific needs. In the process, development, sales and marketing are ideally closely linked, forming an inseparable whole: to know what the market requires in order to place products rapidly and purposefully, to retain customers, and to approach and successfully acquire new customers with the appropriate message.

  • Are you looking for corporate consulting with a focus on sales?
  • Would you like to use external expertise to develop a new sales or marketing concept?
  • Are you looking to boost self-sufficiency in sales and marketing in order to tap new markets or attract new target groups?

We are the right partner for these or similar issues.

Today, our core focuses in consulting SMEs include:

Sales strategy

Sales strategy

As a partner to industrial and service companies, we provide you with strategic consulting based on our “docking bay concept”.


Marketing strategy

For sustained success, companies require market analysis data relating to the markets they are currently serving or those they intend to serve in future.

Market strategy

Market strategy

Clear differentiating factors and a strong customer benefit must be developed and communicated, particularly in competitive markets and industries.

Trade fair concept

Trade fair concept

Trade fairs can be used as platforms to acquire prospective customers extremely efficiently, and also benefit customer retention and information retrieval regarding many market players and markets.